Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chapter 5 : Guests

 Marlene gasped.  It was what she had been dreading since finding out she was having a baby.
 "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE what's wrong?!" Shane yelled.
 "We gotta take you to the hospital!  Now!  I can't handle you giving birth at home!  I'm not a doctor!" Shane said quite rapidly.
 So they called the ambulance and they were off.  Shane ran in as fast as he could, even though it didn't make a difference how fast Marlene walked.
 So Marlene walked.  According to her, pregnant ladies shouldn't run.

 The next day, Marlene was heavily asleep in her bed...
 ...while Shane was up, on baby duty.  But it wasn't just any baby duty...
It was baby duty for TRIPLETS.
 Here is Adeline Luna, their first born child.
 Here is their second born, Athena.
 Here is their third born, Astrid.
 And Shane loved Marlene more than he had before since she had given him three new loves.
 A few weeks later, a doorbell disturbed the babies' naps.
 It was Jasmine.  Marlene walked outside to meet her.
 "What are you doing here?" Marlene asked, careful not to drop Astrid.
 "I'm here to...visit."  Jasmine responded with a fake smile.
 Marlene put Astrid back in her crib.
 Jasmine walked in and stopped in surprise.
"Triplets?" She said. astounded.
 "Yeah, quite a surprise for us too.  I was wondering why I was so big," Marlene chuckled.
 "I see you've got one coming along too.." Marlene said casually.
 "Okay fine!  I'll tell you! I'm pregnant and Aaron left me for someone else!  He didn't even tell me who!"
 "But my real secret is...if I ever find who he left me for...they will die."  Jasmine whispered.  Marlene laughed a little too hard at Jasmine's poor attempt at a joke.
 The next afternoon, Marlene broke out her new easel and began to paint a portrait of Jasmine.
 Her concentration was broken when Jasmine let out a shriek.
 Marlene recognized what was going on as soon as she saw Jasmine's face. 
 "Hey I see you guys are working on a portrait, and --"
 "GREAT BALLS OF FIRE is she going into labor!"  Shane yelled, just like he did barely a month ago.
 After a lengthy trip to the hospital, Kala Norman was born. 

 The next day, Marlene called over Shane.  She had a problem she had to discuss with him.
 " something wrong?"
 "Yes.  Yes there is.  All you ever do is NOTHING.  All you do at home is read recipe books and cook food that you throw out unless its perfect.  And when your not at home, your buying MORE recipe books or standing around at the restaurant.  I don't care if your LTW is to know all the recipes, we barely have enough to pay the bills!"

 "Don't worry, I was just about to tell you my restaurant is going on a tour for a few weeks and its going to really help my job!"
 Shane pecked her on the lips and rushed off to the restaurant.

A week later, Shane left.  So Marlene and Jasmine sat down to decide who would be staying up when to take care of the four infants.
But she was interrupted by the sight of a slightly familiar face at the door.

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